4 ways to create an engaging and marketable blog in 2018

From dull, keyword-heavy texts to meaningless blog posts only written in the interest of garnering “likes,” content marketing has gone through various phases over the years, and some of them have been pretty awkward.

Today’s content marketing, however, has recognized the power of authentic storytelling. Advertorial content has been replaced by more creative marketing techniques, resulting in more meaningful and rich content which in turn has boosted customer engagement.

In response, the majority of companies – even the most obscure corporations – now have a blog. Used to engage consumers and inspire them to be more committed to your brand, the business blog is quickly becoming a staple in the way companies conduct business.

But how can marketers make sure they avoid the mistakes of the past? By following four simple rules.

1. Pick the right platform.

Even if you have an expert team of writers creating the best content on the web, it’s not going to get the recognition it deserves if your blog isn’t user-friendly.

While there are multiple website templates available, serving everyone from total novices to HTML pros, one of the most popular blog platforms still remains WordPress. Still going strong since the early 2000’s, WordPress gives businesses the option to customize their site in any way they need.

For businesses that are new to the blogging world, it may be worth investing in a WordPress expert who can help guide you in the right direction, ensuring your blog runs smoothly and meets your specific needs.

2. Craft a clear calendar.

Creating a content calendar is one of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure your blog gets noticed. Consistency is important when it comes to getting noticed, whether that’s on your blog or social media channels. Companies that operate without rhyme or reason don’t tend to be taken as seriously as those who regularly update their communication platforms.

A content schedule allows businesses to plan ahead, mapping their content to the world around them. Businesses can optimize their content flow while also keeping up with trends, such as holidays and events, which can be tied into promotions and offerings.

3. Identify your audience

Today’s consumers are quickly turned off by spammy, meaningless content. So before you even begin to write your first blog post, you need to get to know everything that you possibly can about your target audience, so you can ensure that you provide them with more meaningful, interesting content.

Conducting market research can help you identify your ideal audience, based on signifiers such as gender, location, and age. Acquiring in-depth knowledge about your target audience will also help you identify an appropriate voice, structure, and style for your blog posts that will naturally resonate with your readers.

If your company appeals to a wide range of users, you can take advantage of segmented advertising, targeting specific demographics with content that appeals to them specifically. A marketable blog allows businesses engage with their audience on a regular basis, which is an effective way to eventually build a loyal customer base.

4. Get creative with your topics

Even if you are a company that sells specific merchandise – bath products, for example – that doesn’t mean that your content has to be limited to bath-related topics.

Think of a mind map, where you can place your central ideas and from there branch out, creating new avenues of content for your blog that can aid in cross-promotional marketing campaigns and collaborations. While many brands use social media to share and promote their brand, they can generate even more awareness and potential revenue by engaging cross-promotional blog posts.

An ideal platform for keeping your audience updated and informed, a professional blog allows your company to create meaningful rich content will encourage your users to keep coming back for more.

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