8 strategies to take your business to the next level

Every business comes to a point in its life cycle where an evaluation must be made to decide what aspects of the company are in need of a little change. Maybe you’ve noticed your company has slipped, or perhaps you just always want to be one step ahead in the game. Regardless of your motivations behind wanting to take things to the next level, here are several steps to get started.

Adopt a BYOD program

Image by Flickr Via Cory M. Grenier

As you’re looking at your company’s processes and procedures, looking for a way to improve productivity, consider implementing a company-wide BYOD program. This type of program involves encouraging — or requiring — employees to use their own devices to get access to company files and software, in order to complete tasks more efficiently.

Many companies who have adopted this strategy have reported a marked increase in employee satisfaction and productivity. Allowing employees to use their own devices for work-related processes increases productivity by allowing them to stay connected to the office at all times, even when they are out on sales calls and away on business trips. This will even the playing field and put your company at the forefront of success. BlackBerry’s mobile device management program is a good example of a company fully embracing the BYOD trend.

Rebrand yourself

Image via Flickr by clogozm

Look into the idea of launching a rebranding campaign to rejuvenate your company’s image. Give the entire place a makeover with a new color scheme, new logo, and barrage of marketing tools such as commercials and sponsorships. A rebranding initiative will bring your company to the top of consumer awareness, and will attract customers who hadn’t heard of you before.

If you look at the history world’s most successful corporations like PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Wal-Mart, you’ll find multiple rebranding campaigns have been implemented to modernize their images. These changes have undoubtedly played a large role in keeping these companies relevant in the eyes of consumers.

Listen to your customers

Image via Flickr by LCSTRAVELBUGGIN

For business owners, one of the most important things you can do is to listen to your customers. Take the feedback to heart, and apply it to your business model however you can. There’s not a business in the world that doesn’t receive negative feedback from time to time. The key is to acknowledge it, learn from it, and apply it.

If there’s enough consistent feedback about one particular product or service, it may be time to consider making some changes. Doing this will show consumers that you care what they think, and are willing to do whatever it takes to provide satisfactory services.

Learn to delegate

Image via Flickr by MDGovpics

It’s not uncommon for CEOs and members of upper management to take on more responsibility than they are reasonably able to handle. You’ve carefully hired a team of qualified people who are genuinely working toward the success of your company. Learn to delegate tasks to these members of your team, and you’ll be amazed at how much easy your job will be.

When tasks are delegated, a chain reaction is activated. It enables the entire operation to work toward the common goal.

Raise your marketing game

Image via Flickr by Jason A. Howie
In addition to rebranding your company as we suggested earlier, review your overall marketing strategy. Any major company in today’s market should be using social media as a significant contributor. If you don’t use these strategies, you’re behind the game.

Many companies have actually created a social media marketer position to fully embrace this form of advertising. Check into your PR department and see what their thoughts on the matter are. Chances are they will be all for it.

Adopt a “Yes” attitude

Image via Flickr by Infusionsoft

As cliché as it is, attitude is everything. A “yes” attitude is infectious and it catches on like wildfire in a functional office culture. It’s absorbed by everyone around you. Apply it to every aspect of your career. Instead of reprimanding employees on daily shortcomings, throw a ego-boosting compliment their way, and save the criticism for their quarterly review.

When a new idea is presented, listen with an open mind, and think of ways to make them work, rather than focusing on the factors that would prevent its success. This attitude will empower employees, because they can see that their thoughts and contributions are accepted and appreciated.

Learn from your competitors

Image via Flickr by MDGovpics

Watch your competitors and learn from their mistakes. Analyze companies who, though not direct competitors, compete for the same customers or offer a similar service. Note what those companies are doing differently than you are, and adjust your business model accordingly. What does your brand have that gives you a unique edge over the competition?

Learn from their successes and failures, and apply these experiences to your own business.

Go green publicly

Image via Flickr by Gold Hill Mesa

People love companies who go green. Sure, there are plenty of environmental and financial benefits to operating an environmentally friendly enterprise, but those benefits are not our point. Do what you can to reduce your company’s burden on the world’s pollution problem, and your public relations department will love you for it.

Become a corporate sponsor to local litter control groups, and green initiatives. Partner with other companies who share a common goal, and put both your powers of influence to good use.

These are just a few basic changes any company can make to help jump to the next level in the world of commerce. Though every company is different, these strategies will point you in the right direction, and get the ball rolling. Above all, always keep in mind your company’s core values, and those of its customers as well.

Keeping those values at the forefront of the discussion and implementing these strategies will be a piece of cake, and your company will be soaring above the rest in no time.

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