G20 Summit: Business data security in the 'Zone'


The G20 Summit – truly the largest security event in Canada’s history – creates unprecedented challenges to the security of business information in the “zone.” Customer and employee records, legal and medical files, financial statements, internal memos and commercial secrets may be exposed to heightened security risks that are likely to be targeted by information criminals.

Michael Collins

Unfortunately, most companies have little or no experience adopting their complex information practices to the unpredictable environment within the “zone” or operating remotely from temporary locations outside of the “zone.”

Such times of uncertainty provide opportunities for fraudsters looking to exploit information security loopholes, yet companies’ obligations to protect their clients’ data cannot be compromised under any circumstances.

 The potential data security gaps include:

While the security environment and many emergency scenarios cannot be predicted, the good news is that any company can adequately prepare as long as it gets the information security basics right.

Shred-it encourages them to be prepared by following simple guidelines that are important at all times and are imperative during high-risk and emergency situations: 

 Start with Data Security Audit to identify your unique security gaps

       Address them in an actionable emergency preparedness plan

 Whether you stay in the “zone” or temporarily re-locate, make sure all data you need – in paper and electronic form – is secured.


Michael Collins is the vice president for sales at Shred-it Canada. If you are interested in a full Data Security Audit from Shred-it, call 905-465-4288.

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