3 benefits of applying Google Analytics to your AdWords efforts

Many companies simply use Google Analytics as a tool for measuring traffic on their websites – but as illustrated by Sean Quadlin, Google Inc.’s search engine marketing (SEM) best practices marketing manager, it can also augment their efforts to increase said traffic.

In the video below, Quadlin shares three ways you can apply Analytics data to AdWords – and hopefully increase the conversion numbers for your next campaign.

Smarter goals

AdWords usually defines a conversion as a completed purchase, but many other goals can be equally valuable, such as page visits or the amount of time spent on a site, and these can be imported from Google Analytics to create goals that can be used to define specific audiences. For example:

By linking these goals to AdWords, you can better measure your ads’ impact, Quadlin says.

Better-defined audiences

Analytics can also be used to build smarter remarketing list for your campaigns – segments such as pages viewed, location, onsite activity, and goal completions represent users who have expressed interest in what your organization offers, and this data can be used to create groups that you can target more effectively in the future.

Smart lists

And rather than tasking you with building audience lists yourself, Analytics can automatically build them for you, based on users that are most likely to convert.

How users reach out to your organization should dictate how you speak to them, Quadlin says. For example, by using Analytics to measure your site’s unpaid traffic numbers and combining them with other segments, you can create a campaign expressly designed for your company’s biggest fans.

And we all know how much users love having an experience tailored to their needs.

Watch the entire three-minute video below.

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