Apple iPad not suited for work

Despite the availability of its own version of iWorks, Apple’s new iPad remains an entertainment device, not an obvious business tool. Still, it has possibilities.

The closer the business app is to entertainment, the better the iPad looks. That makes sense, but it is also a real opportunity. Apple’s new baby seems to be an excellent tool for small group business presentations, where its ability to run video, play audio, and show presentations can be put to good use.

So what is the iPad is nothing more than a supersized iPod touch.

As for “real” business applications, in the hands of talented developers, the iPad could turn into something useful, if not revolutionary. Though today it would be hard to justify asking the boss buy iPads for employees, in coming months that could change.

With that in mind, here is a quick-and-dirty rundown of the pros and cons of the iPad as a business tool.



Steve Jobs’ claims aside, the iPad is not a revolutionary, third-category device. Apple needs people to think it is, but it’s really not that different from a really big iPod. As a business tool, it has some possibilities, but they won’t be realized until iPad-specific business apps become available.

And even then, the iPad’s inherent limitations will likely make it a business tool only for its most dedicated fans.

David Coursey has been writing about technology products and companies for more than 25 years. He tweets as @techinciter and may be contacted via his Web site.


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