Follow Friday – On the social side and more CASL

Every Follow Friday, we round up a list of people with active Twitter accounts, ones that we feel are worth a click on the ‘follow’ button.

This week, we’re focusing on people looking out for digital marketers, whether they have expertise in CASL or if they’re a great resource for tips and tricks in doing good marketing.

Lisa Kember, regional director of Canada East for Constant Contact Kember regularly leads seminars and workshops on marketing, helping small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) figure out how they can effectively reach their customers given their limited resources. Of late, a big part of her role has been helping these SMBs figure out Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). Kember regularly tweets about her experiences with retail marketing, content marketing, and social media marketing – and our story on CASL compliance using Constant Contact is in her tweet above.  

Valerie Warner Danin, general counsel and privacy officer at MailChimp
This week, we wrote about Warner Danin and her role in helping MailChimp’s customers understand CASL. She also explained why MailChimp’s rules in permission-based marketing are so stringent. Follow her for tweets on privacy issues, as well as for headlines on legal issues in the U.S.

Also, head on over here to read our story on MailChimp’s CASL solution.


ScribbleLive’s Engage Magazine
We don’t usually tend to feature other publications in our Follow Friday posts, or even non-individuals, but ScribbleLive’s content marketing publication aims to be a resource to help marketers do their jobs as best they can – and that’s something we can get on board with. Engage Magazine regularly tweets on topics like user-generated content, programmatic advertising, blogging, and curating.

Also, check out our story on ScribbleLive’s acquisition of CoverItLive here.

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