#FollowFriday – The role of the CMO and a wristband for your identity

Every Follow Friday, we round up a list of people with active Twitter accounts, ones that we feel are worth a click on the ‘follow’ button.

This week, we’re focusing on digital marketers with some thoughtful advice for CMOs, as well as the CEO of Bionym, Karl Martin, whose startup just raised another $14 million in Series A funding this week.

Tom Ward, vice-president of marketing at Qnext Corp.
As head of marketing at Qnext Corp., Ward has a lot of insight to share on the role of today’s chief marketing officer (CMO), as well as how much marketing has changed in the last few years, thanks to the advent of digital technology. For more on that, check out Ward’s tweets in our Twitter chat on CMOs here, where Ward was a guest expert providing his thoughts and commentary. Ward and the team at Qnext Corp. also regularly tweet on tech headlines, like Apple announcements, as well as the tech side of local events, as well as on privacy and security.


Natalie Petouhoff, analyst at Constellation Research Inc.
As an analyst at Constellation Research, Petouhoff has a lot of insight into how marketing has been transformed by technology as well. She specializes in marketing automation, customer experience, big data, and social analytics, regularly tracking announcements from major companies that provide marketing-related services. Petouhoff was also one of our guest experts for our Twitter chat on the role of the CMO.


Karl Martin, CEO of Bionym
Toronto startup Bionym Inc. made headlines this week, as it just raised $16 million in Series A funding. Bionym, the company behind the Nymi wristband, is hoping its product will allow users to skip the need to input passwords. The Nymi wristband contains an electrocardiogram sensor that tracks the wearer’s heart’s unique electrical activity, giving the user an easy way to be identified without needing any kind of password, keys, or ID.

Read our story on Bionym’s Series A funding here, or check out our other coverage of Bionym here.

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