Hashtag Trending – Airbnb as landlord; content marketing is broken; Trump’s SEO rant

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Airbnb might be your next landlord. Find out why content marketing is broken. And Donald Trump complains about Google’s search results.

Trending on LinkedIn, Airbnb’s best growing segment are year-round rentals owned by hosts that never live there. While most AirBnB users are familiar with the short-term stays arranged by the website, 27 per cent of bookings on the site are now for entire homes. The implications of Airbnb being your landlord are interesting. As sites like Expedia move to compete with Airbnb by also listing private accommodations as alternatives to hotels, the Silicon Valley startup is looking to pivot. In doing so, it’s creating a new segment of real estate investors and property management firms that are effectively outsourcing their bookings to the website.

Trending on Twitter is content marketing conference CTA18 – that’s “Call to Action” for those of you not indoctrinated to the online marketing world. Apparently, Oli Gardner, the co-founder of Unbounce, gave a killer presentation titled: Content Marketing is Broken and only your Mom can save you. After dissecting a horrible checkout experience required to pay a parking ticket – which I’m sure is hilarious to content marketers – Gardner provided some solid tips based on work done on his own website. Try to tell your blog visitors who you are, what your value proposition is, and what your products are as soon as possible. We’ll link to his presentation from our show notes.

Trending on Google, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted out an untrue conspiracy theory about Google’s own search results being rigged against him. Trump accused Google and others of suppressing Conservative voices and even threatened to “address” the situation. But Trump’s whole theory is based on a flawed methodology. As pointed out on CNN, anyone can see that Fox News ranks quite highly in Google search results about Trump. And that’s the President’s favourite news source.

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