How Canada’s top practitioners approach marketing [infographic]

As part of a wide-ranging survey of today’s marketing industry, interviewed nearly 4000 leaders in the field, with respondents hailing from 13 countries including the U.S., U.K., Brazil, Japan, Australia – and Canada.

In all, 421 marketers from Canada – approximately 11 per cent of the total – responded to the survey, and their responses paint a fascinating picture of the Canadian marketing industry’s priorities. For example, 68 per cent have adopted a customer journey strategy, yet only 34 per cent use customer satisfaction as a measurement of success, while only 23 per cent pay attention to customer retention.

That could spell trouble for many a Canadian marketing team down the line, as elsewhere in the report Salesforce reported that high-performance teams – those who reported being “extremely satisfied” with their current efforts – were nearly nine times more likely than underperformers – those who were “slightly or not at all satisfied” with their current efforts – to adopt a customer journey strategy, and 73 per cent of respondents overall said that creating a customer journey strategy had a positive impact on overall customer engagement.

Check out the infographic below (click for full size).

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