Ironside focuses on sell-side B2B

Now that business-to-business technologies have reshaped how entities interact, the goal for purveyors of e-commerce solutions is to ensure the experience is as seamless and as reliable as possible.

On that premise, Pleasanton, Calif.-based Ironside Technologies Inc. has built for itself a solid reputation of supplying its primarily manufacturing, electronic, and distribution clientele with sell-side business-to-business (B2B) solutions. Last March, Ironside launched its Ironworks Server 5.1, which embodied a series of software designed to ease and evolve standard business transactions via its vendor management, content management, and order management suites.

On the heels of that release comes the launch this week of its Buyer Integrator – a solution designed to allow suppliers to integrate into the enterprise systems of their trading partners.

“Buyer Integrator gives our customers with an online presence the opportunity to conduct their B2B ordering processes in Real Time and it will dynamically generate a purchase order coming from the native speak of its order management system,” said Dave Dalton, Ironside’s vice-president of marketing.

Dalton explained that Buyer Integrator enables the acceptance of the files directly from individual purchasing systems and translates them into the required format for the Ironside customer’s back-end ERP systems.

“It can integrate into most leading ERP systems,” he continued. “While XML is proving to be the most popular format being used, Buyer Integrator can also translate a number of other formats.”

B2B solutions come a dime a dozen these days. What’s so spiffy about Ironside’s offering? For starters, the company built its enterprise-to-enterprise connection capable of utilizing whatever existing technologies a potential customer is running. Dalton said one of the perks of employing Buyer Integrator is it eliminates the need for customers to double-key orders from their inventory system, a seemingly innocuous function that wreaks havoc in the real world).

“Imagine the sheer volume of how many line items are apart of a single purchase order, particularly within the food services industry,” he said.

Ironside also has offices in Markham, Ont.

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