JOLT’s first six startups have heavy social component

JOLT has announced the six startups that will comprise its first ever summer cohort and there’s a heavy social media component to the roster.

The six fledgling tech firms joining the Web and mobile startupaccelerator at the MaRS Discovery District are eProf (interactivesocial education platform), Vennpage (infographics), ShelfLife (socialcommerce for fans of collectibles), SlingRide (social network forbooking rideshare trips), Greengage Mobile (social platform encouragingeco-sustainable practices in the workplace) and (social media platform for sports fans).

ShelfLife is one of the first sixJOLT startups. Its team above: Nevil Whitty, James Chillcott, NickHoffman and Kiyan Azarbar.

MaRS launched the JOLT program this spring. Startups get $30,000 ininitial funding during the four-month program, which will accept about15 startups per year.

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