Toronto’s SecureKey Technologies has picked Dell to help build its private cloud-based authentication platform for mobile commerce and e-commerce businesses.
Dell servers, switches, security and storage solutions will be used tobuild the cloud system so SecureKey can expand its onlineauthentication services for new and existing clients, particularlygovernment contracts.
SecureKey’s Credential Broker Service was recently deployed by thefederal government so Canadians can use their online bankingauthentication credentials to access government services. SecureKey isscaling up its private cloud capacity to handle this large influx ofcustomers in a short amount of time.
SecureKey will also use VMware’s vFabric Cloud application to expandits cloud. The new virtualized infrastructure means only fivephysical servers are needed to handle the workload of 80 virtualizedservers, saving power and space.
Last week SecureKey was ranked second on Profit‘s Hot 50, anannual list of Canada’s fastest growing companies, by posting two-yearrevenue growth of 1,759 per cent. In May, SecureKey landed $30 millionin venture capital in a financinground led by the VC arm of Intel Corp. that also included Visa Inc.,Discover Financial Services, Rogers Venture Partners LLC, Telus Corpand MasterCard. The company also reached a deal to see some of itssecurity features included in some laptops and other devices made byIntel.