Tech giants band together to help a kid get a year of free chicken nuggets

chicken nuggets with ketchup

*Not actual Wendys chicken nuggets.

How much do you love chicken nuggets? Or any food, for that matter? Enough to pester complete strangers – 18 million of them – on the Internet to vouch for you?

That’s what Carter Wilkerson, a teenager in Nevada, is trying to do. On Apr. 5, he and fast food franchise Wendy’s exchanged tweets: Wilkerson asked how many retweets it would take to get a year of free chicken nuggets, and the company’s corporate social media account responded with 18 million.

That’s more than six times any other retweet, ever.

It’s been less than a week and Wilkerson has already garnered more than 2.3 million, but he’s getting help from unlikely sources.

Some of the biggest technology and telecommunications companies have thrown their support behind Wilkerson. Microsoft Corp. was the first to show love on Apr. 7, and challenging Inc. and Google Inc. along the way.

Amazon responded in style with a motivational life quote, and Google played up their “feeling lucky?” button.

Apple Music also took notice, saluting the teen on Apr. 7.

Adding fuel to the fire on Apr. 8 was T-Mobile CEO John Legere, who offered to give Wilkerson a year of free Wendy’s chicken nuggets on his own dime if he switched away from current provider AT&T.

Following Legere’s style, United Airlines proposed a free flight to any Wendy’s store location if Wilkerson was successful.

And on Apr. 9, LinkedIn jumped into the fray, essentially giving the teen a virtual fistbump.

The movement sees no sign of slowing down. Celebrities, models, sports stars, and even US state governors have also chimed in, including Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul, Victoria’s Secret angel Martha Hunt, Canadian tennis player Genie Bouchard, and Nevada governor Brian Sandoval.

Regardless of how far Wilkerson’s tweet gets, one thing is for sure: Wendy’s is getting a lot of free advertising out of it.

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