Twitter’s Flight School now available to give Canadian agencies their marketing wings

Twitter Flight School

Canadian agencies can now access Twitter’s educational program that is designed to help them execute the best-possible marketing campaigns on the social media platform.

Naturally the content is all delivered online, in short modules (though they are longer than 140 characters each). Designed to be accessible on smartphones or desktop platforms, the content is designed to be followed along different “flight paths” based on different roles in an agency. According to Michelle Mearns, head of marketing for Twitter Canada, the program has identical content in the U.S. and Canada.

“The only difference will be language translations where required,” she writes in an email response. “We did recently release an updated version of the program that reflects some of our new direct response products.”

One agency, Starcom MediaVest Group Canada, has already completed the program in its trial run here in Canada. That agency has worked on Twitter campaigns with brands including TD Bank, Samsung, and Kraft.

Twitter is an appealing tool for many agencies looking to spread positive word of mouth buzz about clients. According to research conducted by Abacus Data and Full Duplex, the top motivation for Canadians using Twitter is to share content they are endorsing – with 79 per cent saying so. Canadians also shared content on Twitter to voice their own opinion (58 per cent) and spread important news (53 per cent).

The program delivers a different curriculum to agency staff based on their role and function, Mearns explains.

“If you’re a media buyer your Flight Path will focus on set-up and optimization to drive campaign success and renew opportunities. If you’re a media planner, your Flight Path will focus on how to optimize Twitter as part of your client’s broader strategy across many channels. And if you’re an agency leader, you’ll learn how brands are embracing the power of Twitter today and how to empower your teams to stay up to speed with the evolving digital media landscape,” she says.

When Twitter launched Flight School in the U.S. last August, it explained it with this video:

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