Welcome to the U.K., where we scan your brain and photograph your undies

The British Home Office claims that the cameras have contributed to a drop in crime of four per cent, but only in specific cases, like parking lots. In some areas, these cameras have actually increased crime. I find that slightly difficult to digest unless there are criminals out there with a dire need for cheap publicity or perhaps a desire to make up for repeated failures to quality for Big Brother (the TV show, not the 1984 concept.) Anyway, read the article and judge for yourself.

Driver goes really, really fast to jail
Still in London, a 33-year-old man was sentenced to a 10-week jail sentence for driving a Porsche 178 MPH (uhh… 754 KPH). The man also had his driver’s licence revoked for three years. He was caught by a speed trap and clocked by a police officer wielding a radar gun. The fact that the man was able to gun a Porche (it should be noted that it was not his car, surprise surprise) up to 178 isn’t a total shock, but I’m impressed that the coppers involved were even able to catch this loony, considering his heavy right foot. A few tips if you’re caught speeding: pull over promptly, shut off the engine, turn on your hazards, keep your hands in plain site and be excessively polite to the officer involved. Oh, and don’t drive 178 MPH. If you do, you might as well strip naked and light a gigantic doobie, because you’re going to jail no matter what.

How to stop a grenade with a net
Another vehicular story, only this one is more about defensive driving. And by that I mean a car that can stop grenades. This vehicle, which looks something like a Hummer based on the diagram, can spot incoming rockets and grenades and launch a net (!) which explodes the ordnance before it has a chance to explode you. Very useful if you live in Baghdad. Or Los Angeles.

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