What would you ask Guy Kawasaki about Google Plus?

Guy Kawasaki is a former Apple evangelist and known for helping to make the landmark Macintosh II computer a success by recruiting software and hardware developers to get on board.

Perhaps the reason Kawasaki so effectively sold the Mac was because he personally loved the product so much and was able to speak about it with a sort of earnest reverence. Lately, Kawasaki has been evangelizing another technology product – but it’s not a computer, it’s a social network. He says Google+ is just as much a breakthrough as the Mac was in the ’80s and he’s written a book that serves as a guide to getting started with the platform. In his role as an advisor to Google-owned Motorola Mobility, he’s been tasked with creating a Google+ community around the topic of mobility.

Kawasaki is giving the keynote address at Tuesday’s Avaya Evolutions conference in Toronto. I’ll have the opportunity to sit down with him afterwards for a video interview. I want to focus on Google+ for my questions, and I want Google+ users to help me decide what questions to ask. I’m putting forward my questions here, and I’m inviting everyone to add your own questions in the comments. I’ll ask Kawasaki the questions that get voted up the most, or the ones I think are really good.
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