CATA Jump Starts federal Pre Election Advocacy for Advancing Canada’s Competitive Innovation agenda

Ottawa, ON…CATAAlliance ( tabled today a group of E-Petitions, Op-Eds, Legislative Briefs, Surveys, and Video Commentaries designed to stimulate pre federal election thought leadership conversations for advancing Canada’s competitive innovation rankings.

The Alliance will post a call for commentary and guidance to more than 3 million executives on its established social networks using advanced digital tools created for the recently launched CATA 4.0 business model.

According to Micheál J. Kelly, Dean, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University & CATA National Spokesperson, “ One of CATA’s goals is to take crowdsourced guidance to advocate for positive changes that can provide Canada’s innovation based businesses the environment they need to compete and grow effectively. The CATA team has set up the digital doors to easily and quickly crowdsource ideas and then mobilize to achieve desired changes.”

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CATA CEO, John Reid, added,  “ We will be asking all parties to embrace carefully vetted crowdsourced guidance in their pre election platforms,” concluding, “  We need to create a system of innovation in which government, universities and the private sector work closely together to move from invention to commercially viable solutions. This will not only create jobs, retain our talent in Canada, but also provide more solid returns to Canadians from their tax dollars.”

Media contact:
John Reid, CATA CEO
tel: 613-699-8209

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