Time running out to submit Top Women in Cyber nominations

Toronto, ON: If you know a woman in cyber security who deserves special recognition you only have a few days left to nominate them for the inaugural Top Women in Cyber Security recognition list.

The Top Women in Cyber Security initiative is is a joint program of The Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA) and IT World Canada (ITWC) created to recognize women who have advanced the Canadian security industry.

“WISECRA and ITWC have put together something special with this program,” said ITWC President & CMO Fawn Annan. “With so many unfilled security positions across Canada, and such a low proportion of women currently working in this space, there’s an incredible opportunity here with Top Women in Cyber. I am proud to be involved in this initiative.”

“Not only do women already making their mark in cyber security get the recognition they deserve, but their example will serve to inspire other women to follow in their wake,” said WISECRA founder and international coordinator Bonnie Butlin. “What a great way to address what is a glaring imbalance, and to strengthen Canadian cyber security overall.”

The deadline for nomination is May 8, 2020.


Nominees must be women with more than three years of experience in Canadian cyber security. Self-nominations are welcomed. The top honourees will be recognized at a virtual Top Women in Cyber Security Celebration set for July 23, 2020. Mark the date in your calendar and look for more details to follow.


The Women in Security & Resilience Alliance is a global network that brings women in security and resilience roles together to share ideas and best practices. WISECRA is a sub-network of the Security Partners’ Forum.


Media contacts:
Steve Proctor, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, IT World Canada (ITWC)
Phone: 416-578-5014

Bonnie Butlin, International Coordinator, Women in Security & Resilience Alliance
Phone: 613-266-8048

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